Sexualized Saturdays: The Gender Politics of Ladycastle

The four issue run of Ladycastle, a limited series from Boom Comics, recently came to an end. The premise of the series was intriguing: after almost all the men of a castle in a fantasy land are killed while out on crusade, the women are left to seize power and agency for themselves for the first time. I thought the idea sounded interesting, and, as always, am enthusiastic about supporting comics stories about women by women, so I eagerly dove in.

The series tackles a number of gendered issues over the course of the story, from the traditional devaluation of femininity to accusations of misandry to challenging socialized behaviors. Ultimately, though, the story bit off more issues than four issues could chew. While it tried to say and do a lot of things, the matriarchy it attempted to sell me never really swept me off my feet.

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Sleepy Hollow #1: A Blast from the Past Season

sleepy hollow coverIt’s no secret that I enjoyed the first season of Sleepy Hollow, and so this summer, when I saw that Boom Comics was doing a four-issue Sleepy Hollow miniseries, I subscribed to it immediately. Four issues comes to about sixteen dollars, I figured, so if it was bad, I wasn’t paying any more for it than a reasonably priced meal, and if it was good I would definitely be getting my money’s worth. The first issue finally came out last week, and while it definitely shows promise, I’m hoping it improves as the series goes on, or I’m gonna regret not buying that dinner instead.

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