The New Doctor I Didn’t Know I Wanted Until Just Now

I love Doctor Who. Love love love. But the role of the Doctor has been a white British boy’s club since its inception, and it’s really time that changed.  Personally I don’t think there should be a non-British doctor – the show is so iconically British that I think that would be a terrible move. But there are lots and lots of nonwhite British dudes and lots and lots of British ladies that would love to step into the role. (And before we get tetchy about the Time Lady thing, it’s in canon that Time Lords can switch genders over regenerations – see Eleven talking about the Corsair in “the Doctor’s Wife”.) I’ve always thought that the first step should be to get a person of color piloting the TARDIS, but I read something the other day that absolutely knocked my socks off and made me want a Time Lady ritenowplzkthxbai.

Helen Mirren mentioned recently in an interview that she thinks it’s time for some more female representation in the TARDIS – specifically of the Gallifreyan variety.

“I would like to play the new female Doctor Who. I don’t want to just be his sidekick.”

(As an aside, I love her mentality. So many people who watch this show want the Doctor to come take them away. She wants to be the one initiating the adventures. It pleases me.)

Will this actually happen? Who knows? I know it’s usually relative unknowns who get their start from the show, rather than Academy-award-winning big name stars taking over, but I would love to see this. Matt Smith can’t be the Doctor forever. (And bless his soul, but I’m hoping he won’t be the doctor for season 8.  How great would a regeneration into a lady Doctor be for the start of the 50th anniversary season?)

And oh, what a regeneration scene that would make.

Any thoughts on the idea of a Gallifreyan Helen Mirren, dear readers?

6 thoughts on “The New Doctor I Didn’t Know I Wanted Until Just Now

  1. I’ve always liked Helen Mirren and I really think she’d make a great Doctor – I’d like to see a female Doctor anyway, regardless of who would play her – but I’ve never been able to get over those comments she made about date rape.

    • I haven’t seen her in much (I don’t tend to watch a lot of serious/drama movies) but she just seems to be able to do that sort of je ne sais quoi/clever/witty/brilliant Doctor thing quite well in the theatre of my mind.

      Ick, I just looked that up now and talk about the heebie jeebies. >.> That’s…problematic, especially coming from a rape survivor.

  2. I just might sell my soul for a female Doctor, but being British is a prerequisite. It’s part of the reason we Americans love Doctor Who so much!

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