Web Crush Wednesdays: The YUNiversity

What do we all love? Internet memes. What else do we love but sometimes need a little help with? Or rather: “What else do we all love with which we sometimes need a little help?” Grammar. I mean: “Grammar is something we love with which we sometimes need help.” Sometimes sentence-making and word-choosing doesn’t work out so well and we end up with really long phrases which may or may not use the write words or conjugations and maybe we even need to re-rite the whole sentence because it’s not good enough. Well, in those oh-so-rare occasions the YUNiversity is there to help!

When you have a grammar question you can send it to The YUNiversity. Not only will you get an answer, you’ll get a comedic answer utilizing some of your favorite internet memes. Some of the grammar lessons are quick and easy, while others may be a little more in-depth depending on the question being discussed.

I definitely consider myself a grammar nerd so this type of humor is right up my alley. Following The YUNiversity I’ve also learned quite a lot that I either didn’t know or had forgotten and it helps seeing the lessons presented in a fun way which makes them both memorable and enjoyable.

I follow The YUNiversity on tumblr where they not only post their own grammar lessons but also reblog other funny grammar lessons and jokes and they’re a great addition to my dash. Not only do they make me laugh but they help make me a better writer (which is a plus for any of you reading our blog) and I honestly love improving my own skills while enjoying a laugh or two at the examples used to illustrate the lessons.

If you’d like to see more you can check out their tumblr or twitter page and enjoy the education!