Trailer Tuesdays: Wreck-It Ralph

It’s that time again! Let’s look at another trailer. This week, it’s Wreck-It Ralph.

Wreck-It Ralph looks like it’s going to be a great movie from Disney and much like Toy Story seems to be geared toward those of that our older and, in this case, have played the old video games and continue to play the new ones. That doesn’t mean that this movie won’t be relatable to a younger crowd—if anything it should hopefully introduce them to many of the old classic games.

The idea that games have lives and personalities when the game is on or off is a popular one and one that I adore. It reminds me greatly of the TV Show Reboot. Does anyone remember that? It was on Toonami for a while. Anyway, I’m looking forward to Wreck-It Ralph let’s hope it’s fun, funny, and gives the old video games the respect they deserve.