Star Wars Rebels, Ahsoka Tano, and Aesthetics

So this might come as a shock, but I only just recently watched Star Wars Rebels and didn’t follow the show at all until this month. I really wanted to get into it earlier, but I just didn’t have the time. However, I certainly made time after spoilers for the Season 1 finale ended up on my Tumblr dashboard. Before this, I had been spending my days adamantly avoiding any kind of spoilers—or at least trying to—to the point that I haven’t even read any reviews for the show. It wasn’t until the new pictures of Ahsoka Tano starting filling up my Tumblr page that I decided to find out what was going on.

Star Wars RebelsSpoilers for Star Wars Rebels below.

I am happy to say that Rebels lives up to just about all the expectations I had for it. Every single one. Hell, the show even finds time to go into the Twi’lek slavery issue during its thirteen episode run, and I will certainly love talking about Hera’s character and role during that episode more in depth in a different review. But for now, the big news regarding the series is Ahsoka Tano’s reveal as the mysterious Fulcrum, Hera’s secretive contact among the rebels.

The fandom seems to have had two reactions to seeing her—screaming in uncontrollable happiness, and screaming in uncontrollable rage. To put it simply, Ahsoka looks nothing like what we thought she would, and this has been the reason for the divide among the fanbase.

Ahsoka Tano has, unsurprisingly, become one of the more beloved characters of the Star Wars universe, if not the beloved character during The Clone Wars. So it comes as no surprise to me that people would feel very passionate about any kind of change in her character design. Rebels takes place fifteen years after The Clone Wars, when Ahsoka is an adult. So naturally, as a grown Togruta, her lekku—head tails—and her montrals—horn-like protrusions—are longer, thicker, and taller, which we all expected. What we hadn’t expected was the change in her markings. And this change in aesthetics seems to be the biggest grievance fans have had with her introduction. This more than likely would never have been an issue had The Clone Wars not shown us a future vision of Ahsoka during the “Mortis” episodes. We all thought we knew what an adult Ahsoka would look like, because we saw an adult Ahsoka during the third season. And the Ahsoka in Rebels looks nothing like her.

Ahsoka Clone Wars and RebelsIn the two pictures above, you can clearly see the difference in her character design. And I love that Star Wars did this. To start off, both shows, while very similar in aesthetics, do have different art styles, which accounts for her slight change in eye and skin color. But that wouldn’t explain how her stripes ended up being so different.

I think it’s important to remember, though, that the first picture is a vision and not real. Ahsoka was imagining what she would look like when she was older, and who we think we will be is not often who we actually become. Unlike other Togruta, Ahsoka didn’t grow up around her own people. While she certainly has ties to them and feels passionately about the culture she comes from, she has had very little Togruta influence during her life. The Togruta she probably sees the most during her childhood is Shaak Ti. And in Ahsoka’s vision, she probably imagined her future self as the way she sees Shaak Ti.

Ahsoka and Shaak TiThe two of them look eerily similar, considering that they aren’t related—and those similarities cannot be explained because they are both Togruta. We see plenty of other Togruta throughout The Clone Wars, and they all look completely different, from their markings, to the length of their lekku, to the shape of their montrals.

It’s also possible that Ahsoka’s creators changed her design to reflect Ahsoka’s new role in the story. In The Clone Wars, Ahsoka is a skilled Padawan learner, but she’s still growing and looks up to both Anakin and Obi-Wan for guidance. In Rebels, she’s now the person other people are looking to—she’s in charge, and she’s the one making decisions for everybody else. This role change will allow us to see Ahsoka go places she couldn’t before.

The one criticism the new Ahsoka has faced that I really want to talk about is that she’s been whitewashed. I haven’t seen too many people mentioning this, just a few here and there. And initially I thought the whitewashing criticism was just people being unreceptive to her appearance and looking for something to complain about—after all, how do you whitewash an alien?

Well, there is a problem with representation when it comes to futuristic sci-fi stories. Most of the humans we meet, who are the characters most of us will relate to ethnically, are all white. For people of color, this leaves all of Mace Windu and Lando—two characters who don’t have very big roles. Using alien species as a stand-in for diverse representation is a cheap cop out on any writer’s part. Those species aren’t real—but we still use them to represent non-existent people over actual people. And you might notice that most of those alien species, or at least most of the ones that matter, just end up with white features anyway. This is a huge problem. I also do think that Ahsoka was written as a Togruta and not as a human specifically. Since she’s not human, we can all see ourselves in her and relate to her however we want to. But Ahsoka Tano is still an alien with orange skin, lekku and montrals, and non-human markings, so can she still be whitewashed?

Star-Wars-Rebels-Ahsoka-Tano-03112015-970x545Well, yes.

Ahsoka can be whitewashed, and in a non-physical sense too. Right now, the issue seems to have more to do with her facial features—which, due to the new art style, have changed—than it does her new role in the story. Though many alien species end up with white features, that was not true of Ahsoka during The Clone Wars. Her character has some distinctive facial features, such as the shape of her lips and nose, that are not typical of white people. And sadly, those features have changed in Rebels to look whiter.

Furthermore, Ahsoka herself is a minority character—there are not a lot of Togruta in the Order, let alone on Coruscant. And though we don’t see this too often in The Clone Wars or at all in the movies, racism is alive and well in the Star Wars universe—Twi’lek slavery comes to mind—and the one species that has the most privilege seems to be humans, who are all mostly white. Furthermore, the Togruta and the Twi’lek species are more closely related to each other than other species. Twi’leks are probably some of these most oppressed people in this galaxy. And the Togruta, when we see them, are completely victimized. So yes, there are a lot of minority issues surrounding Ahsoka’s character, and any kind of erasure of those issues could definitely be seen as whitewashing.

In some ways, Rebels already has removed some of Ahsoka’s Togruta culture in her new design. Rebels Ahsoka wears a different headdress from The Clone Wars Ahsoka. In The Clone Wars, Ahsoka wore an Akul-tooth headdress, which she has now replaced with something else. We don’t actually learn about the significance of an Akul-tooth headdress during The Clone Wars, which is a shame, but since it can only be worn by a Togruta that has slain an akul, it likely would have had cultural, and maybe even religious, value to Ahsoka. Being able to wear it would be considered an honor. At some point in the future, it would be nice if Rebels addressed why Ahsoka made this change.

Ahsoka Tano about to fight GrievousThere is still a part of me that thinks this whole whitewashing complaint is a bit stretching, but that might also be because I am white. Just because I can’t see a problem or relate to it doesn’t mean that problem doesn’t exist. If there is something about Ahsoka’s new design that is causing people of color to have a harder time relating to her than they did in The Clone Wars, that’s going to be a serious issue for Rebels.

At this point, we’ve only seen Ahsoka in Rebels for all of two minutes, so whether or not the show will do a good job handling her character has yet to be seen. Judging by how well Rebels does with Hera and how well The Clone Wars did with its characters, I am more than willing to give Rebels the benefit of the doubt.

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About MadameAce

I draw, I write, I paint, and I read. I used to be really into anime and manga until college, where I fell out of a lot of my fandoms to pursue my studies. College was also the time I discovered my asexuality, and I have been fascinated by different sexualities ever since. I grew up in various parts of the world, and I've met my fair share of experiences and cultures along the way. Sure, I'm a bit socially awkward and not the easiest person to get along with, but I do hold great passion for my interests, and I can only hope that the things I have to talk about interest you as well.

10 thoughts on “Star Wars Rebels, Ahsoka Tano, and Aesthetics

  1. It’s possible that now that she’s closer the age of the actress voicing her that they wanted to her as a reference more for how to animate her.

    Hearing a very White voice play her certainly prevented me from thinking of her as anything other then White. Meanwhile I also seem to be alone in thinking of the Vulcans as looking Asian.

  2. This is Disney we’re talking about. Unless the character is a crow, or a baboon, it’s meant to be a white person.

  3. If, or I should say when, I viewed Ahsoka as Humanized I personally looked at her as being mixed more and not just white or black. Just because she had features, voice, and personalities of both. But that is just me.
    Now as for the difference in her looks I have no issues with the changes. Forst off in Clone Wars she was a teenager. The episode where she had a vision of her future self I personally though that future was more on the younger side of adulthood. Like in here 20’s or so, maybe even low 30’s. In Rebels she should be almost to her 40’s by now. At least very close to them. Luke was around 19 or 20 in A New Hope. Ahsoka was probably around 20 or so when Luke and Leia were born as she left the order before the clone wars ended. Anyways, what I am getting at is that in her late adulthood the makers could probably be drastically different. Just look at the older Torgruta and how drastically different the entire species lok between each other.

  4. I can’t for the life of me see exactly how Clone Wars-Ahsoka looks particularly non-white, or indeed particularly any race at all. Her giant, cartoony eyes make it virtually impossible for me to apply the kind of strict facial judgment I’d need to say “ah, that person looks like someone from sub-Saharan Africa/East-Asia/Northern Europe”. I guess maybe people are seeing what they want to see?

  5. Thank you for writing this. The moment I saw the new Ahsoka I was struck by the changes in her facial features. I miss Ahsoka from the Clone Wars, but because her voice is the same, I have no trouble accepting the whitewashed Ahsoka as the same character. In addition to her changed facial features, I don’t much care for the new stripe patterns on her lekku and montrals, but I rationalize the changes by imagining that she deliberately changed her appearance in order to fly under the radar. The fact that she left the Jedi order toward the end of the Clone Wars probably wouldn’t exempt her from the Order 66 purge. She may have rejected her membership in the order, but she’s still a walking embodiment of Jedi training and worldview and could resurrect the Jedi order by training force sensitive children.

    I have a fantasy of a series that follows Ahsoka’s exploits from the moment she walks away from Anakin in which we’d get to see her once more looking like she did in The Clone Wars, and a part of those adventures could include her radical makeover, the Star Wars universe equivalent of cosmetic surgery. If you’re on the run and getting an extreme make-over, why not secure a bit of white privilege in the process to speed you on your way?

    It would be great if, after the Battle of Yavin or after the death of Palpatine, in a moment of misguided optimism, she celebrates the Rebelion’s victory by restoring her previous features, only to discover that the Empire/First Order has more staying power than did the Emperor.

    • Yes there’s a book that follows what happens to her after clone wars. I think it’s just called ahsoka

  6. Pingback: Brown Bounty Hunter Business | No Award

  7. I think its more that her Rebels face doesn’t match her Teenage features, it’s likecthey are two different people.

  8. A note on the headdress: there’s a book that explains all of what happens to her between clone wars and rebels. the book explains how and why she had to get rid of her very important headdress and lightsabers. She faked her death and left her lightsabers and headdress at her “grave”. She then went under the radar and hid around as a normal, not jedi Togruta. I haven’t finished the book yet but it explains a lot.

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