Trailer Tuesdays: The Dark Knight Rises

Unfortunately, this is going to be the last installment in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Universe. It’s a bit of a shame, since his movies are just so good, and The Dark Knight Rises looks to be living up to its predecessors thus far. I’m a little worried that this movie will make me want another, but there won’t be another, as Christopher Nolan has said, as the trailer feels the need to remind us.

And though I’m excited for Bane, I think there was about no more than four collective seconds of Christian Bail in the Batman Suit. Impressive, considering the movie is about Batman and also considering that the trailer is over two minutes long.

On a happy note, this will not be in 3D. I don’t think I’ve mentioned before how much I hate 3D, simply because movie makers are using it as a cheap gimmick they obviously put no effort into in order to get an extra ten bucks out of movie goers. That, and because I already wear glasses and don’t want another pair over them, and because 3D gives me a headache.

Christopher Nolan actually fought with the studio to keep this movie in 2D. And he did that because the first two movies were in 2D. That’s not to say Mr. Nolan is against 3D, because from what I can figure from interviews, he likes the idea. He just doesn’t believe in quickly slapping it onto movies and not caring about what it looks like to make some extra money. That’s why we didn’t get Inception in 3D. He started the conversion process, realized he didn’t have enough time to make it look nice, and gave us the normal version.

It’s really kinda nice that he’s a director who cares so much about the final product. So here’s hoping The Dark Knight Rises will live up to the same standard as his other movies.

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About MadameAce

I draw, I write, I paint, and I read. I used to be really into anime and manga until college, where I fell out of a lot of my fandoms to pursue my studies. College was also the time I discovered my asexuality, and I have been fascinated by different sexualities ever since. I grew up in various parts of the world, and I've met my fair share of experiences and cultures along the way. Sure, I'm a bit socially awkward and not the easiest person to get along with, but I do hold great passion for my interests, and I can only hope that the things I have to talk about interest you as well.