Fanfiction Fridays: Inside the Wallpaper by Queen of the Red Skittle

640px-Jack_and_jamie_hugInside the Wallpaper is probably my favorite fanfiction for Rise of the Guardians. Written by Queen of the Red Skittle—a very talented author—Inside the Wallpaper follows Jack, who’s coming to terms with the recent murder of Jamie Bennett. Due to the trauma of losing his first true believer and friend, and even feeling guilty about it, Jack becomes very cold and vengeful, forgets who he truly is—the Guardian of fun—and loses his powers. It’s not until he comes to terms with the emptiness inside him and finally lets his guard down and grieves for his friend that Jack regains his abilities.

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Fanfiction Fridays: Light and Shadow by rufftoon

So today’s fanfiction is for Rise of the Guardians, but it is a little different from the norm. It’s actually a fan comic series that I found on deviantART. It chronicles Pitch’s time during the Dark Ages, and it talks about the things he fears, relationship with children, and why the Guardians first fought him and removed him from power.

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Ace and Saika watch Rise of the Guardians

Spoiler Alert!

So the other day, I forced Saika to take me both to the movies and to pay for my ticket. Naturally, we went to see Rise of the Gaurdians, which was a pleasant break from the sword fight the two of us failed to properly have beforehand—more accurately, we swung wooden sticks at each other and it was very awkward—and I have to say that this movie did not reach my expectations. It’s plenty enjoyable—I’ve seen it a few times already—and it’s a good story. But it is nowhere near as epic as everyone made it out to be.

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