Web Crush Wednesdays: Black Girl Nerds

Gosh it’s fun being a nerd; keeping up with shows, collecting, cosplaying, the works. There’s something for everyone, really, and it’s a growing community. Recently, it’s becoming more well-known that nerds come in all shapes and sizes, races, genders, and sexualities. As a Black man, it’s been a great time for us. With people like John Boyega, Idris Elba, and Donald Glover being put into (or considered for) movie roles more frequently, our place in nerd-dom is being solidified more everyday! However, the hurdle for Black women seems to be a little harder to clear. This could be said of all women, but intersectionality makes it especially difficult for Black women. In a sense, Black women and girls are seen as sort of an anomaly in geeky/nerdy spaces. Luckily, there is a growing push for supporting these fans with this week’s Web Crush: Black Girl Nerds.

web crush wednesdays

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Web Crush Wednesdays: The More I Arty

It’s Web Crush Wednesdays again! This weeks Web Crush is the awesome tumblr blog The More I Arty! Hooray!

The More I Arty is an awesome art blog and pseudo comic series done by Lily Mitchell and Paul Harasiwka.

This blog has it all, from Avengers-themed drinks, to hilarious Thor and Arrested Development mash-ups, to awesome conversations between Katniss and Sarah (from the Labyrinth). And finally, as their name suggests, some awesome little Sherlock comics.



This is a blog that every nerd should save in their favorites. I hope you all enjoyed this week’s Web Crush!

Web Crush Wednesdays: Hyperbole and a Half

It’s Web Crush Wednesdays again! This week’s Web Crush is… *drum roll* Hyperbole and a Half!

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Perhaps some of you have seen memes similar to this:

or this…

Yeah, there are a lot of these, but this is the original.

This awesomeness comes from the blog Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh. She describes herself as “heroic, caring, alert and flammable.” And though the pictures are what you often see online her writing, especially when paired with the pictures is even more hilarious.

“I’ve always wanted to not give a fuck. While crying helplessly into my pillow for no good reason, I would often fantasize that maybe someday I could be one of those stoic badasses whose emotions are mostly comprised of rock music and not being afraid of things. And finally – finally – after a lifetime of feelings and anxiety and more feelings, I didn’t have any feelings left. I had spent my last feeling being disappointed that I couldn’t rent Jumanji.

I felt invincible.”

I thoroughly suggest you go here and check out my latest Web Crush!