Teen Wolf: “Strange Frequencies” Review

teen-wolf-main-title-sequenceThis week Teen Wolf was much darker than I expected it to be. Not only did “Strange Frequencies” have murder and dead bodies everywhere, it also had a significant amount of gore—and it even showcased a scene with Parrish hallucinating making out with Lydia’s dead reanimated body. What the hell, Teen Wolf?

Hit the jump to find out my thoughts. Spoilers ahead.

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Teen Wolf: “Required Reading” Review

Teen-Wolf-Main-Title-SequenceWow, so much happened in last night’s episode, it’s hard to believe it was just forty-one minutes long. I kept checking the time, incredulous that it wasn’t over (and beginning to dread how I was gonna condense all of this into a review that wasn’t the size of a novel). Speaking of novels, this week continues with the book-themed title and explores the consequences of reading the Dread Doctors book by Dr. Valack. In short: sometimes reading can be bad for you. Millions of spoilers after the jump and trigger warnings for mental illness and self-harm.

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Teen Wolf: “A Novel Approach” Review

teen-wolf-main-title-sequenceLast week we ended on a hell of a cliffhanger—Donovan had been souped up with weird wendigo powers by the Doctors and was going after Stiles, and meanwhile Parrish was burning dead supernaturals’ bodies on the nemeton with no conscious knowledge of doing so. This week’s episode starts off tense, right where last week left off, and things only get worse for our pack from there.

Spoilers for the punnily titled “A Novel Approach” after the jump!

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Teen Wolf: “Condition Terminal” Review

teen-wolf-main-title-sequenceWelcome back, everyone, for another Teen Wolf review. In “Condition Terminal” our characters learn about more evil supernatural creatures roaming Beacon Hills, Parrish works on discovering his own abilities, Kira’s powers are all over the place, and here at LGG&F we continue to not care, at all, about Theo or Donovan. Spoilers after the jump.

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Teen Wolf: “Dreamcatchers” Review

teen-wolf-main-title-sequenceThis week’s episode of Teen Wolf featured lots of ladies being awesome, a large dose of body horror, and the death knell of one, if not two, of the fandom’s favorite ships. And I actually really like this episode. Last week’s twopart premiere had me so freaked out by the villains of this series, I told Saika that I missed Peter: a character whose death I actively have called for in the past. But at least Peter was just campy, manipulative bullshit. I can respect that. Creepy steampunk doctors I wasn’t sure I could handle. But I liked the Dread Doctors this episode. Ironically, I still dislike Theo, who is far less creepy. Spoilers after the jump!

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Teen Wolf: “Parasomnia” Review

Teen-Wolf-Main-Title-SequenceWelcome back again, everyone, for the second part of our season’s opening. And I think I can safely say that “Parasomnia” was a huge improvement from “Creatures of the Night”. Not only do we meet a new character and get to see Mason some more, this episode managed to be significantly creepy without even a mention of Eichen House. In fact, Arkham 2.0 wasn’t in this episode at all, and that is an improvement in and of itself.

Spoilers up ahead.

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Teen Wolf: “Creatures of the Night” Review

Teen-Wolf-Main-Title-SequenceAnother summer, another season of Teen Wolf for us to delight (or, more likely, despair) over! I wasn’t much looking forward to it coming back, and the episode wasn’t much to write home about, to be honest, but it was nice to revisit the pack (or, what of the pack is left) that I’ve come to love.

However, this episode wasted no time in jumping right into the most icky, disturbing Eichen House plotline possible, so consider this your trigger (for ableism, abuse, and general Eichen House terribleness) and spoiler warning right off the bat.

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Trailer Tuesdays: Teen Wolf Season 5

Oh, Teen Wolf, how I have missed our love-hate relationship. I can’t say that I liked Season 4 all that much—Peter was once again a prominent character, and the benefactor storyline should have been about Meredith instead. Then there’s Eichen House, the poor man’s Arkham Asylum, and Teen Wolf should just throw that place and all its ableist undertones away forever. Hopefully, Season 5 will be better.

Well, judging from that, it looks like Eichen House is sticking around for a while longer, and nothing else on Lady Geek Girl’s wishlist will come true either. So I guess that also means that Danny won’t be coming back, or that the show won’t devote much time to LGBTQ+ representation. God damn it.

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Fanfiction Fridays: Devil of Mercy by KouriArashi

I hate you...

I hate you…

In order for you to understand how amazing this Teen Wolf fanfic is, you must first understand one thing about me: I hate Peter Hale. Hate him. Cannot stand him. Admittedly he is a decent villain, and the actor is exceedingly attractive, but Peter has killed far too many of my favorite female characters for me to like him. And he always tries to murder my precious Disney prince Scott. But more than anything, I hate the creeper vibe that Peter gives off. Unlike Kate Argent, Peter Hale, to my knowledge, has never actually sexually assaulted anyone on the show (though mind raping Lydia is arguably just as bad). There are some scenes were we could infer that he does or almost did, but it never actually happens. But Peter is capable of murder, so it’s not hard to imagine that he could sexually assault someone too. Especially when he acts like the creepy old dude in a bar that mostly caters to people who are twenty-one and under. So I tend not to like Peter Hale. In fact, I may have often called for his death when reviewing the previous season.

Peter is usually paired up with Chris Argent in fanfiction, but also Lydia Martin and even Stiles. Yep, Stiles and Peter have enough snarky interactions and both have enough of a grey morality that I can see why the fandom would find them compatible, but it’s not something I would ever read. Nope…

Sassy Peter

Sassy Peter via ask-your-sassywolf

So now you know I hate Peter Hale, certainly don’t enjoy reading canon-Peter stories, and would never read a Peter Hale/Stiles fic, and even if I did, I would never enjoy such a fic, right? Whelp, I was wrong on basically all counts. So here I am reccing Devil of Mercy by KouriArashi, an AU Stiles/Peter fanfic where everyone remains completely in character. It was awesome!

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Sexualized Saturdays: Noodle’s Top 10 Headcanon Bi Characters

I basically live for representation of LGBTQ+ characters. As a bi person, I’m especially starved for good bi representation. Unfortunately, such characters are especially difficult to come by. Then there are wonderful characters who could be great bisexuals, and that’s where headcanons come in. A headcanon is something that is not explicitly stated in the text, but doesn’t contradict it either, and you like to imagine it’s true. It’s not as great as actual representation, but it can be great fun and provide comfort when actual representation isn’t there. So, today I want to share with you my Top 10 characters whom I like to imagine are bisexual and who would make excellent representation if they were made canonically bisexual.

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